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Easy Tax Savings Tips For Small Business Owners

When you are running a business, every penny that you make counts. You can increase your profit by minimizing your taxes. You may be wondering what you will need to do to save on taxes. There are several things that you can do.

Use Tax Software

It is important for small business owners to use tax software. If you use Turbo Tax or another type of software, then you will have an easier time preparing and filing your taxes. It is a good idea to stop doing your taxes by paper. Studies have shown that it is more accurate to do your taxes with tax software than it is with paper.

According to the IRS, only 1 percent of online tax returns have errors on them. However, 21 percent of paper returns have errors on them. If you do not want to use tax software by yourself, then you will need to hire a tax professional or bookkeeper.

Keep Track of All of Your Expenses

Many of the purchases that you make for your business can be deducted from your taxes. That is why it is a good idea to keep track of all of your receipts. There are apps that you can use that will help you keep track of your expenses.

One of the apps that you can use is 1tapreceipts. You will be able to use the app to keep all of your receipts in one place. All you have to do is take a photo of the receipt and upload it to the app. It is important to keep track of all of your receipts because you may be required to provide proof of the expenses.

Deduct Your Home Office

Many people are afraid to deduct their home office from their taxes. However, you will be surprised to find out how much money you can save by doing this. Anyone who works for home can deduct their home office.

Pay off Your Retirement

You can reduce your taxable income by contributing more money to your retirement account. One of the many great things about contributing to your retirement account is that the money will not be taxed until you withdraw the funds. If you are under the age of 50, then you can contribute up to $5,500 per year to your retirement account. You can contribute up to $6,500 to your retirement account if you are over the age of 50.

Deduct Your Auto Expenses

If you use your car for business purposes, then you may be able to deduct this from your taxes. You have to calculate how much of your car’s mileage is used for business purposes. You can deduct that number from your taxes.

You may have to spend a lot of time keeping track of your auto expenses. However, the money that you save will make the cost worth it. There are also apps that you can use.

Hire Your Family Members to Help You

If you hire your family members to help you, then you can save on your taxes. You will have to compensate them for the service that they provide. You can deduct what you pay your family members from your taxes.

Do not Sell Your Equipment

It may be a good idea for you to get rid of equipment that is no longer benefiting you financially. However, you should ask an expert about whether it is better to sell it or abandon it. If you sell the equipment, then it will be a capital loss. It will be an ordinary loss if you abandon it. An ordinary loss is fully tax-deductible.